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A young inventor's journey

Insights from our first successful youth applicant of the WIPO Inventor Assistance Programme (Singapore Chapter)
30 Jul 2024
The journey towards IP protection and commercialisation can feel daunting, especially for a young innovator. We are glad to share Matt Chiu's story, as he embarks on his IP journey to bring his idea to market with the WIPO Inventor Assistance Programme (Singapore Chapter)!

My Invention Journey

When I became a new dad, I started to notice how often pacifiers come into contact with dirty surfaces and the floor. My daughter was falling ill more frequently because her pacifier often picked up dirt and germs, whenever it falls out of her hand or mouth. I wanted to solve this.

As a designer and a tinkerer, I decided to take matters into my own hands and started to design a pacifier that would be protected from collecting unwanted particles. Inspired by flowers that I saw falling to the ground, I designed a new passive protective system modelled after the flower petals that would close up when the pacifier was not being used but would be soft enough to be easily accessible by a child. Naming the pacifier came naturally – Hanabii, the Japanese term for “Fireworks” (hanabi) to represent the joyfulness of having a newborn.

Matt Chiu with the Hanabii Pacifier

My Challenges

I love to innovate! But designing a product for a child is not easy, as there are many considerations. I ran into difficulty from the get-go, but I decided not to give up. I had a vision of the overall form factor, but I had to consider many details. For instance, would the petals be comfortable enough for an infant? There was only one way to find out. With 3D printing technology readily available, I could prototype and learn very quickly across iterations. I created a total of more than 20 prototypes to get the form right.

When I created Hanabii, I knew I wanted to protect my work but I was unsure how I could even get started. I had heard of patenting inventions, but with insufficient legal and technical information, expertise and experience, the entire process felt daunting. I was afraid I might end up wasting my time on submitting incorrect applications if I did not have the right help, and I did not have the ability to spend a hefty amount of money on legal and technical expert fees either.

But help arrived with the Inventor Assistance Programme (IAP). I received an invitation on the programme’s launch event through my campus group chat, and as they say, the rest is history (in the making).

Matt’s initial design work with the Hanabii Pacifier

The evolution of the Hanabii Pacifier from initial design to the current one

My IAP Experience

After being introduced to the IAP, I realised that the programme was able to provide what I needed the most - pro bono legal assistance with my copyright and patent drafting process, as well as customised support and advice to successfully commercialise the Hanabii Pacifier!

In addition to that, the IAP allowed me to successfully begin my patent filing process by getting linked up with a volunteer attorney, James Kinnaird. With his wealth of experience and expertise, James has advised me on how to begin the filing process, as well as answering any initial questions and doubts I may have had regarding patent law and commercialisation of the Hanabii Pacifier.

This design has proven both unique and reliable, having won multiple international design awards such as the IDA Design Awards, European Product Design Award, and the London International Creative Competition. 

My advice to fellow young entrepreneurs and inventors:

“Just apply as it’s free! As a young innovator, I believe in seizing any form of assistance for our inventions, and never be afraid to try.” 



Together, James and I have successfully started my patent application journey.

Privileged to be invited to the WIPO HQ in Geneva to share my IAP story!